Top 10 Strange Musical Instruments

Hey there, music lovers! Have you ever wanted to try out a strange, unique musical instrument that will make you stand out from the crowd? Well, today is your lucky day! I’ve scoured Amazon and found the top 10 strange musical instruments that you can buy right now. Get ready to have some fun!

1 | Otamatone | First up, we have the Otamatone. This little guy looks like a cute, smiling musical note with a long stem that you hold like a necktie. It produces a high-pitched sound that you can control by squeezing the cheeks of the note. It’s perfect for adding a whimsical touch to your music.

2 | Kalimba | Next, we have the Kalimba. This African thumb piano produces a warm, mellow sound that is incredibly relaxing to listen to. You play it by plucking the metal tines with your thumbs. It’s small, portable, and perfect for jamming with friends.

3 | Didgeridoo | If you’re looking for something a bit more out there, check out the Didgeridoo. This Australian instrument is made out of a hollowed-out tree trunk and produces a deep, resonant sound that is used in traditional Aboriginal music. It takes some practice to get the circular breathing technique down, but once you do, it’s a unique and impressive sound.

4 | Theremin | For those who like to get experimental with their music, the Theremin is a must-try. This electronic instrument is played by waving your hands around two antennas, which control the pitch and volume of the sound. It produces an eerie, sci-fi-esque sound that is truly one-of-a-kind.

5 | Hang Drum | Another strange instrument that is sure to impress is the Hang Drum. This UFO-shaped percussion instrument produces a rich, reverberating sound that is similar to a steel drum. It’s perfect for creating a meditative, relaxing atmosphere.

6 | Ocarina Whistle | For those who like to play with their food, the Ocarina Whistle is a fun and quirky choice. This instrument is shaped like a sweet potato and produces a melodic, flute-like sound. Plus, it comes with a cookbook that shows you how to make different kinds of potato-based snack sounds! Ha! JK! But you will be able to summon your inner Link ala The Legend Zelda: Ocarina of Time!

7 | Sitar | If you’re into world music, you’ll love the Sitar. This Indian instrument has a long neck with 20 strings and produces a hypnotic, twangy sound. It’s perfect for adding an exotic touch to your music. Danelectro has a great electric version of the Baby Sitar that is definitely worth a look.

8 | Kazoo | For something a bit more whimsical, check out the Kazoo. This simple instrument is a small, plastic tube that you hum into to produce a buzzing sound. It’s silly and fun, and perfect for jamming with friends.

9 | Waterphone | If you’re feeling adventurous, try out the Waterphone. This eerie instrument is made out of stainless steel rods of different lengths and produces a haunting, underwater sound. It’s perfect for adding a spooky touch to your music.

10 | Nose Flute | And finally, we have the Nose Flute. Yes, you read that right. This little plastic flute is played by blowing air through your nose and manipulating the shape of your mouth to create different notes. It’s silly and fun, and perfect for entertaining your friends.

So there you have it, folks. The top 10 strange musical instruments that you can buy on Amazon. Whether you’re looking to add a whimsical touch to your music, experiment with new sounds, or just have some silly fun, there’s something on this list for everyone. Happy jamming!